
Notícias e Eventos

Call for Abstracts

Publicado a 11/01/2019

The 2nd International Meeting on Patient Safety for New Generation of Healthcare Professionals aims to bring together the new generation of healthcare professionals who share concern and passion in improving quality and safety in healthcare. This call for abstracts is an opportunity for individuals or teams to share the results of your daily work, an investigation project, a literature review or any other project/action that you’ve(’re) been involved.

To the abstracts chosen by the scientific committee will be given the opportunity to display a poster during the meeting.

With this opportunity you will:

  • Networking with other healthcare professionals
  • Building future collaborations
  • Demonstrate ideas and experiences
  • Showcase your achievements to key international leaders and colleagues
  • Share your ideas with worldwide organizations

Registrations or funding for travel or accommodation is not provided to poster display authors.

Please read carefully the rules written in this section before you submit your abstract.


Biojam Award – For the 2 best posters
1st Prize – 750€
2nd Prize – 500€


Venue: NOVA University Rectory
Accommodation: Suggestion here