The Global Network for Academic Public Health, which brings together associations representing schools and public health programs around the world, namely ASPHER – Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region, to which ENSP- NOVA is a member, recently released a statement on the role of schools and academic public health programs in global stewardship for improving the health of people, animals and the planet.
The document entitled “Global governance for improved human, animal, and planetary health: the essential role of schools and public health programs“, also lists a set of new skills, for health professionals and decision-makers, essential for building a better public health.
For public health professionals, essential skills include:
1. Leadership, especially of multidisciplinary groups and for multiple interests
2. Partnership and collaboration
3. Communication, particularly during crisis situations
4. Networking with other key disciplines impacting on the health of the public including climate science, ecology, agriculture, economics, trade, international law, political, science, journalism/communication, regulatory science, and theology
5. Operating and collaborating in the political environment
6. Application of public health law and ethical principles
7. Awareness of wider global health considerations, e.g. One Health principles, climate change, economic inequities, trade and health
8. Familiarity and comfort with digital technology
9. Enhancing the effectiveness of responses to inequities in health, meeting the needs of vulnerable, marginalized, and disadvantaged communities, indigenous peoples, refugees and migrants
10. Refresher trainings in core public health competencies in infectious disease, epidemiology, health promotion, surveillance, vaccinology, evaluation of healthcare technologies
For decision-makers:
1. Basic level understanding of public health values and ethics
2. Basic level understanding of epidemiological and other public health technical knowledge
3. Basic level understanding of preparedness and response strategies, particularly processes in their region
4. Knowledge of available public health resources and authorities
5. Understanding of how health-impacting events happening outside of a country or community affect the health of their population
6. Understanding of how laws and policies in other areas (e.g. housing, agriculture, land use, etc.) can impact the health of their population
7. Basic understanding of the principles of One Health, recognizing the connection between the health of people, animals, and the environment
8. How to use data and evidence for decision making
9. How to communicate effectively with populations
10. How to build consensus and act collectively