
Notícias e Eventos

FCT Individual Call to Stimulate Scientific Employment

  until October 15

Do you want to develop your research career in the field of Public Health and contribute with innovative solutions? Apply to the FCT Individual Call to Stimulate Scientific Employment and open the door to a world of excellence in research at the NOVA National School of Public Health (NOVA NSPH).


About the call

NOVA NSPH invites PhD researchers to express their interest in participating in the FCT-funded Individual Scientific Employment Incentive Call (CEEC).

More information here:



NOVA NSPH is one of the institutions that make up the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC), which has been awarded the highest rating (Excellent) by the FCT.

NOVA NSPH develops research of quality and excellence with national and international relevance in the following areas:

  • Health Promotion & Health Inequalities
  • Environmental and Occupational Health
  • Health Policies, Management & Health Service Research.


Candidates will benefit from a collaborative research environment, with access to resources that underpin excellence in Public Health research.


How can you apply?


Step 1 – Identify the topic you want to apply for, which is listed here:

  • Behavioural Science and Social Innovation: Examines behavioral factors influencing health behaviors and develops innovative approaches to promote positive behavior change.
  • Health Systems and Health Policies: Analyze health systems and policies to identify areas for improvement in healthcare quality, delivery, efficiency, and access.
  • Environmental and Occupational Health: Explore the impact of environmental and occupational factors on health and develops strategies to mitigate risks.
  • Data and Health Technology: Utilize data and technology to improve health outcomes, enhance healthcare delivery, and facilitate health promotion efforts.
  • Healthcare delivery optimization: Create evidence-based strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery systems, including streamlining processes, development, implementation and evaluation of innovative digital solutions.
  • Healthcare equity and access: Evaluate disparities in healthcare access and health outcomes, particularly among underserved populations, and develops interventions to promote equity.
  • Healthcare policy and governance: Analyze healthcare policies and governance structures to promote sustainability and ensure equitable access to healthcare, informing policy development and implementation.
  • Health economics and cost-effectiveness: Assess the economic value of healthcare interventions and technologies to inform resource allocation decisions and improve sustainability.
  • Health technology assessment: Conduct assessments of innovative healthcare technologies, evaluating their impact on quality, efficiency, equity, and sustainability within healthcare systems.
  • Environmental impact and policies: Characterizes the health impacts of pollutants and climate change, in terms of non-communicable diseases, including mental health, and infectious diseases, under the One-Health perspective, and develops and evaluates environmental intervention programs.
  • Implementation science: Implements health promotion strategies to improve health and wellbeing, decrease inequities and improve community resilience to climate related events.


Step 2 – Send the following documents and information to by 15 October:

  • Identify the topic you wish to apply for;
  • A summary of the proposed work plan (max. 2500 characters);
  • A synopsis of the narrative CV (max. 500 characters), with a link to the CienciaVitae profile;
  • A motivation letter describing your professional career over the last five years and the relevance of the project to the topics listed and the general mission of NOVA NSPH/CHRC (max. 2000 characters).


Please send the application documents in a single document.


All successful applicants will have to submit their proposals via the myFCT platform. GAIDI is available to provide support if necessary.

Get ready to be part of our research community and contribute to Public Health in the national and international context!