


Created in September 2020, the Alumni Association of the National School of Public Health aims to strengthen the relationship with the School alumni.

If you are, a former student interested in knowing and participating in the activities developed by the Association, contact or apply to become a member.




Welcome to the Alumni Association of the National School of Public Health (AAAENSP).

This area aims to bring together former ENSP students from around the world who are part of the history of our School.

We invite you to join our association!

We intend to organize social, cultural and professional initiatives and invite you to participate.

Besides, we want to help you find former colleagues and friends and show you what is done in the different areas of intervention of ENSP.

The Association of Former Students exists to strengthen the ties between former students and ENSP and to promote their interests. This goal will only be possible with your participation.

If you wish to contact us, you can send an e-mail to


To belong to the Association of Former Students of ENSP-NOVA, Register here.

