Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Research

The Master's in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Health Research (EPIBIS) is a partnership between the NOVA Nacional School of Public Health (NOVA NSPH) and the NOVA Medical School, aimed at equipping participants with knowledge and methodologies in epidemiological research to enable them to autonomously develop and conduct epidemiological research projects.
The course aims to:
Empower participants to pose research questions with a population impact;
Provide participants with knowledge of basic, advanced and applied epidemiology for various specialties and diseases;
Provide knowledge of basic and advanced statistics for application in health studies;
Reinforce a love of study and knowledge, with the ultimate aim of improving patient care;
Provide knowledge of bioethics and good clinical practice;
To develop critical thinking skills in relation to the results of published and available research;
Improve the writing and submission of scientific protocols and articles, optimize project management and team management;
Adapt and optimize the communication of results to various audiences (scientific, media, general population).
At the end of the Master's program, it is expected that students will have attained the following competencies:
Obtaining and developing methodological, scientific and analytical knowledge;
Ability to collect data and analyze the dynamics and complexity of research, innovation in health services, innovation management and quality management;
Ability to critically evaluate the practical applicability of theories, concepts and research models in the health area;
Ability to produce and manage research in health services and carry out project management;
Ability to develop a creative environment within a health context;
Ability to develop well-argued solutions to health services research problems.
Ideal Student
Health professionals;
People with training or interest in the areas of health, epidemiological research and biostatistics (doctors, biomedical doctors, nurses, nutritionists, mathematicians/statisticians, managers, among others).
Career Opportunities
Pharmaceutical industry;
Health services;
Health consultancy and research.
Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
Pedro Aguiar (ENSP NOVA)
Bruno Heleno (NMS)
Mandatory courses (face-to-face)
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays | 4:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Optional courses (face-to-face or remote)
Wednesdays or Saturdays
This program will be held entirely in portuguese.
Curricular Units | ECTS |
1º Ano | |
Comunicação de Ciência | 4 |
Epidemiologia | 5 |
Epidemiologia Avançada | 6 |
Estatística | 5 |
Estatística Avançada | 6 |
Ética da Investigação | 4 |
Gestão de Projetos em Saúde | 4 |
Métodos Qualitativos | 4 |
Research Seminar | 8 |
Epidemiology Seminar | 6 |
Free Option 1 | 4 |
Free Option 2 | 4 |
2º Ano | |
Academic Project Report | 60 |
ECTS (Total) | 120 |
Application period I phase: closed on May 10th, 2024
Application period II phase: June 3rd to July 12th, 2024
Resulting from a partnership between NOVA NSPH and NMS, applications for this Master's program are formalized here.
For suggestions on how to better present your Application, consult the Application Guide.
Tuition fee for national citizens - 3.950€
Tuition fee for citizens of other countries with status of International Student) - 6.000€