
Optional Units



The NOVA National School of Public Health offers 23 optional curricular units (electives).


Optional Curricular units Credits ECTs
1st Semester
Auditing in health 4
Analysis of pharmaceutical utilization in Portugal 4
Bioethics and health management 3
Communication in health 3
Long term and hospice care 4
Economics and health policy 4
Health care financing and contracting 4
Global health 4
Integrated disease management 4
Project management in health 4
Occupacional health 3
2nd Semester
Economic evaluation in health 4
Applied health economics 4
Acquiring health behavior in childhood 4
Organizational behavior 4
Primary health care 4
Active and healthy ageing 4
Clinical governance 4
Project management in health 4
Personalized medicine and digital health 4
Environmental health 4
Patient safety and risk management 4
Hospital equipment and technologies 4


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Tel.+351 217 512 100