Short term

Fundamentals of Data Science in Healthcare: Applications with R

Course Overview


The Fundamentals of Data Science in Healthcare: Applications with R 2024/2025 course is a unique training program in Portugal, integrated into NOVA NSPH commitment to developing innovative training programs in the Digital Health field.

This fifth edition aims to present the future of precision healthcare, providing participants with new ways to analyze real-life data, collaborate on complex projects, automate repetitive reports, bring data to life with interactive dashboards, create automatic reports, and integrate the power of ChatGPT4 into the workflow to achieve insights. All of this with the help of RStudio (POSIT®) - a software that allows data transformation, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy with which data is collected, processed, and presented, mastering machine learning practices, and developing predictive models for care improvement.

With a practical focus, this course is designed for those who want to lead trends, acquiring highly recognized skills in the job market.



With this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand and apply best practices in R and RStudio and in data science projects
  • Create and customize professional reports in various formats using Quarto
  • Manipulate and explore data using tidyverse tools
  • Build data visualizations and spatial maps with ggplot2
  • Apply statistical methods and build inferential and predictive models in R
  • Develop, fine-tune, and evaluate Machine Learning models using tidymodels
  • Automate reports and create dashboards, and use version control tools for project collaboration.
  • Carry out an end-to-end project (capstone) and present your results, demonstrating your skills in Data Science.


Career Opportunities

The course is aimed at all those interested in deepening their knowledge in Data Science in the healthcare sector, particularly healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, healthcare technicians, hospital administrators, health economists, and managers who want to lead based on real-world data) , Researchers (including doctoral, master's, and postgraduate students).



This course has a blended learning format with 2 face-to-face sessions and 6 online (asynchronous) sessions. It will be given in Portuguese and English.

Each module is structured to provide specific and essential tools for the practice of Data Science. The Machine Learning module is taught by a researcher experienced in these methods, ensuring practical and in-depth learning. Students have exclusive access to an e-book with class content and the entire code repository.

Each student will have the opportunity to develop and present a final project (capstone) based on real-world data, applying all the knowledge acquired during the course, consolidating theory and practice in a real context. All editions feature a masterclass with a guest from the business world with expertise in Data Science.



André Peralta



Helena Matos

  • M1: Foundations of Data Science in R by André Peralta Santos
  • M2: Productivity tools in Data Science by André Peralta Santos
  • M3: Data manipulation and exploration by André Peralta Santos
  • M4: Data visualization by André Peralta Santos
  • M5: Inference and statistical models by André Peralta Santos
  • M6: Machine Learning with R by Manuel Ribeiro
  • M7: Advanced Data Science tools by André Peralta Santos and João Dionisio
  • M8: Final Project (Capstone) by André Peralta Santos, João Dionisio
  • Masterclass: Guest speaker to be announced


The course will be given in Portuguese and English.

Participation in the course requires a laptop with internet access and R Studio software installed (programming knowledge is not necessary).



  • 2 face-to-face sessions on September 21st and November 16th, 2024 (9:00 am to 4:00 pm)
  • 6 online sessions (asynchronous) from September 23rd to November 8th 2024 with weekly modules (2 hours of classes and 3 hours of independent work)

André Peralta

Deputy Director of Health in replacement. PhD from the University of Washington, USA, where he researches health policy evaluation and COVID-19.Enthusiastic about new ways of conducting and communicating science, he has taken several Data science courses in R.A physician by training and a specialist in Public Health, he was Director of Information and Analysis at the Directorate-General of Health in 2020-2021 where he introduced Data Science methods in R.Master in Medicine from Nova Medical School, Master in Public Health from NOVA NSPH, epidemiology training from Harvard Medical School.

Pedro Casaca

PhD student at NOVA NSPH, integrated into Horizon Europe project on healthcare quality and patient safety.A physician by training and a specialist in Public Health. Worked in the Directorate of Information and Analysis at the Directorate-General of Health between 2020 and 2022 where he applied various Data Science methods in R.Master in Medicine from Nova Medical School, epidemiology training from the European Educational Program in Epidemiology.


Manuel Ribeiro
Research Assistant in the Environment group at the Center for Natural Resources and Environment (CERENA) and Guest Assistant Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon).Interested in statistical and computational methods (spatial statistics and statistical learning) in spatial and temporal modeling of diseases, environmental exposure of the population (air, water, and soil quality), and links between environmental exposure and population health.

João Dionísio
Master in Medicine from the University of Coimbra and intern in Public Health.Worked in the Directorate of Information and Analysis and the Vaccination Unit of the Directorate-General of Health where he applied various Data Science methods in R with dashboard creation, dynamic reproducible reports, and use of spatial modeling.


Applications: until July 12, 2024

Publication of results: July 15, 2024

Enrollment: July 26 to August 3, 2024

Start of the course: September 21, 2024

End of the course: November 16, 2024




Applications must be made exclusively online, through the application form.



  • Bachelor's degree or higher academic degree
  • Professional or academic activity in the healthcare field
  • Proficiency in English
  • Order of registration

Up to 35 students are admitted, with 12 being the minimum number of participants. Up to 5 alternate registrations are accepted per edition.

Participation in the course requires a laptop with internet access and R Studio software installed (programming knowledge is not necessary).



Application fee: 51 Euros (non-refundable).

Tuition fee: €500


A 10% reduction in the total tuition fee is available to members of the National Association of Public Health Physicians (ANMSP), the Portuguese Association of Health Economics (APES), and the Portuguese Association of Hospital Development (APDH), who must attach proof of their status in the application process.

This course offers Scholarships to encourage Qualification/Updating of skills under the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). A total of 35 scholarships are available supporting €450 per participant .


Important documents for consultation:

[Documents in Portuguese]









