
Projectos de Investigação

Better Care– Supporting emerging care economy, empowering caregivers to provide safe care at home

Projeto em destaque ENSP

Designação: Better Care– Supporting emerging care economy, empowering caregivers to provide safe care at home

Entidade Proponente: Fundacion para el fomento de la investigación sanitaria y biomédica de la comunitat valenciana

Investigador Responsável: Paulo Sousa


Project Summary / Breve Descrição do Projeto:

The Action aims to improve safety for care recipients by addressing caregiver errors in home settings through collaborative discussions among stakeholders. It focuses on raising awareness about the impacts of unsafe care, particularly emphasizing gender differences, and addressing ethical and organizational gaps to empower caregivers.

Key objectives include establishing protocols for managing adverse events, developing standards and qualifications for caregivers, and engaging stakeholders in discussions on legal, ethical, and social issues related to caregiving. Additionally, the Action seeks to integrate initiatives for knowledge exchange and highlight the challenges faced by women caregivers. The document also outlines the importance of science communication for sharing findings with non-scientific audiences, with the Science Communication Coordinator overseeing dissemination efforts and a task for Work Group 1 (WG1) to create a website dedicated to caregivers.




