COURsES2021/2022 8 Master’s Degree 4 PhDs 2 Specializations 7 Postgraduate 5 Other non-degree courses (continuing education / university extension)
RESEARCH2020 1 Research Center 192 research publications affiliated with the NOVA NSPH 9.3% of these publications are among the 10 most cited publication (2016-2020)
RESEARCH FINANCING2020 36% of own resources related to research 22% of research revenues from international sources
Internacional2020 88 Foreign students 24 Nationalities 8% of revenues from international sources
PROTOCOLS AND PARTNERSHIPS2021 149 Protocols and Partnerships 39 with Institutions within Health area 48 institutional with the Public Administration, local authorities and other social partners 53 within the area of teaching and research |
Faculty, Researchers and Non-Teaching Personnel2021/2022 56 Faculty and Researchers 41,75 Faculty and Research FTE 95% Faculty with PhD 28 Non-faculty staff
sTUDENTS2021/2022 452 Students 245 Masters 73 PhD 134 Specialization Courses 168 New students
APPLICATIONS2020/2021 355 Applications 237 Masters 36 PhDs 82 Specialization Courses
GRADUATES2020 9 Specialization Courses 33 Masters 8 PhDs
Facts and Figures