
Invited assistant professor at the Department of Health Strategies. Integrated member of CISP-CHRC. PhD in Public Health by ENSP-NOVA, specialization in Health Policy, Management and Administration, having developed in her PhD thesis a model of success factors for public health projects.
Areas of interest: public health planning, action and education, project management, business process management.
Pedagogic coordination:

Postgraduate Program in Health Project Management - coordinator

Project Management in Health

Project Management Theory - Postgraduate Program in Health Project Management

Individual and Organizational Competence in Project Management - Postgraduate Program in Health Project Management

Agile and Project Management Tools - Postgraduate Program in Health Project Management​


Pedagogic participation:

Action and Planning Strategies in Health - Master in Public Health

Financial and Risk Assessment in Projects - Postgraduate Program in Health Project Management​

International Cooperation - Postgraduate Program in Health Project Management


Researcher in the project “Predictive model of accident risk based on drivers self-declared and observed behaviors” (NOVA-ENSP, 03/2013 - 12/2013)

Researcher in the project “Economic evaluation of denosumab for osteoporosis and bone metastasis” (NOVA-ENSP, 04/2011 - 01/2013)

Researcher in the project “Socioeconomic costs of osteoporotic fractures (NOVA-ENSP, 09/2009 - 06/2010)

  • Marques, I.; Sa​ntos, C.; Santos, V. (2020). Process Modelling (BPM) in Healthcare – Breast Cancer Screening. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, Design Approaches and Supporting Technologies. [in press].
  • Santos, C.; Santos, V; Varajão, J. (2020). Project management in public health: a systematic literature review on success criteria and factors. Portuguese Journal of Public Health. 38: 37-48.
  • ​Marques, I.; Santos, C.; Santos, V. (2020). Process modelling of organized screening programs – breast cancer. [poster]. 16th World Congress on Public Health.
  • ​Guerreiro, M.; Santos, C.; Santos, M.; Brissos, V. (2020). The VASelfCare T2D project plan: fostering innovation through the StartUp Research program. Procedia Computer Science. [in press].
  • ​Guerra-Paiva S.; Dias, F., Costa, D.; Santos, V.; Santos, C. (2020). DPO2 Project: telehealth to enhance the social role of physical activity in people living with COPD. Procedia Computer Science. [in press]
  • Medeiros, T.; Luz, A.; Freitas, M., Correa, C.; Santos, C. (2020). Challenges of launching a PMO in healthcare settings. Procedia Computer Science. [in press].
  • Lobão, MJ; Guae, Y.; Curado, J.; Goncalves, M.; Melo, R.; Silva, C.; Velosa, T.; Cardoso, S.; Santos, V.; Santos, C. (2020). Solution to support informal caregivers of patients with dementia. Procedia Computer Science. [in press].
  • Martins, A.; Marlene, C.; Santos, C.; Cristina, M.; Pereira, S. (2020). “amik@” Social media platform for people with intellectual disability. Procedia Computer Science. [in press].
  • Santos, C.; Santos, V.; Tavares, A.; Varajão, J. (2019) – Success factors of public health projects. [poster]. In NOVA Science Day. September 2019. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Santos, C. (2018). Papel dos cidadãos, direitos e deveres. [chapter in book]. In: Conselho Económico e Social – A saúde e o estado: o SNS aos 40 anos. Coimbra: Almedina. pp. 91-98.
  • Bon de Sousa, T.; Santos, C.; Mateus, C.; Areal, A.; Trigoso, T.; Nunes, C. (2016) – Road traffic accidents and self-reported Portuguese car driver’s attitudes, behaviors, and opinions: Are they related?. Traffic Injury Prevention. 17(7):705-711.
  • Cristino J., Canhão, H., Perelman, J., Santos, C., Pereira, J. (2011) - Cost-utility analysis of denosumab versus standard care in the treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis in Portugal. Value in Health. 14 (3):  A128. ​
  • Cardoso, T.; Santos, V.; Barata, J.; Santos, C. (2015). Transferência de Tecnologia para Causas Sociais através dos VideoJogos. In SciTecIN’15 / EPCG2015. Novembro de 2015. Coimbra, Portugal.
  • Santos, V.; Santos, C.; Cardoso, T. (2015) - Use of Sociology Concepts as the Basis of a Model for Improving Accessibility in Smart Cities. Procedia Computer Science. 67: 409-418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2015.09.286.
  • Cardoso, T.; Santos, V.; Santos, C.; Barata, J. (2016) - Games "Social Tech Booster". In: Vaz de Carvalho C., Escudeiro P., Coelho A. (eds) Serious Games, Interaction, and Simulation. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 161. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-29060-7_18.
  • Santos, C.; Santos, V.; Tavares, A.; Varajão, J. (2014) – Project Management Success in Health: The Need of Additional Research in Public Health Projects. Procedia Technology. 16: 1080-1085.


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8860-8229

External Action


Coordinator of the Project Management course - NOVA Doctoral School, NOVA University Lisbon (UNL)

Project Management module - Startup Research Program, postgraduate course organized by ITQB-NOVA & NOVA-SBE

Assessment panel of students software development projects - NOVA-IMS

Member of the scientific committee of ProjMAN - International Conference on Project Management

Member of the scientific committee of CISTI - Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

Member of the organizing committee of ProjMAN (International Conference on Project Management) and HCist - International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies for Health

Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Challenges of Accelerated Digital Transformation in Business Environments”

Member of the WBPM 2021 program committee - 1st Workshop on Business Process Management

Member of the Social Bodies of the Portuguese Association for the Promotion of Public Health (APPSP)