

João Pereira is a Full Professor of Health Economics and Member of the Public Health Research Center (CISP) and the Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC).

Head of the Department of Health Social Sciences, NOVA NSPH.

BA (Hons) Economics and Politics, University of Warwick; MSc Health Economics, University of York; DPhil Economics, University of York; Aggregate in Public Health / Health Economics,  NOVA University Lisbon.

His areas of academic interest are Measuring equity in health; Economic evaluation of health programs and technologies; Financing of health systems; and Public Health.

He is President of the General Council of the Lisbon Higher School of Nursing.

He was President of the Portuguese Association of Health Economics (APES); Editor-in-Chief, Portuguese Journal of Public Health; Consultant to international organizations (WHO, EC, DFID-UK and World Bank); Member of various Commissions and Expert Groups of the Portuguese Government.

Author or editor of eight books and several articles in magazines and books on economic aspects of health.


At NOVA NSPH, he has held the following positions in the past:

  • Director, between 2011 and 2019;
  • President of the Scientific Council, between 2015 and 2019;
  • President of the Pedagogical Council, between 1999 and 2005 and 2007 and 2010.
  • Director of the Doctoral Program in Public Health, between 2004 and 2012.
  • Member of the General Council of NOVA University Lisbon, between 2008 and 2011.




Health Economics, in the Master's Degree in Public Health
Economic Evaluation in Health (Optional)
Equity, Inequality and Social Determinants of Health (Optional)



Seminar in Public Health II, in the Doctoral Program in Public Health
Seminar in Health Economics, in the Doctoral Program in Public Health
Health Policy, Economics, Organizational Theory and Management, in the PhD in Global Public Health
Health Economics, in the Master's in Health Management
Health Economics for AH, on the Hospital Administration Specialization Course
Introduction to Health Economics, on the Specialization Course in Public Health
Applied Health Economics (Optional).

He has supervised 11 doctoral theses, 32 master's dissertations and 14 final postgraduate diploma papers.

He currently supervises several students on the various courses at NOVA NSPH.


PhD Supervision

Maria da Conceição Constantino Portela | Regimes de Comparticipação do Estado no Preço dos Medicamentos: Impacto do Sistema de Preços de Referência em Portugal. | Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. ENSP/NOVA, 2009.

Maria do Céu Caixeiro Mateus | Contributos para a Avaliação Económica de Medicamentos em Portugal. | Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. ENSP/NOVA,  2010.

Tanara Rosângela Vieira Sousa | Ensaios em Economia da Saúde: o Risco e o Valor de uma Vida Estatística no caso dos Acidentes de Trânsito na Cidade de Porto Alegre. | Doutoramento em Economia, Ênfase em Economia Aplicada. Faculdade de Ciências Económicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2010. | Orientação conjunta com o Prof. Sabino Pôrto Junior da Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul.

Filipa de Aragão Figueiredo Barbosa Pombeiro | Economic Analysis in Health Care Regulation: Three Essays. | Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. ENSP/NOVA,  2011. | Orientação conjunta com a Prof.ª Cesaltina Pires da Universidade de Évora.

Miguel João Sousa Vieira | A Utilização de Actos Complementares de Diagnóstico: Uma Análise Económica. | Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. ENSP/NOVA, 2011. | Orientação conjunta com o Prof. Pedro Pita Barros da NOVA SBE.

Cláudia Indira Xavier Furtado | Equidade na Utilização de Medicamentos em Portugal | Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. ENSP/NOVA, 2013

Margarida Brito de Almeida Oliveira Domingos | Avaliação Económica em Transplantação Renal: Abordagem Estratégica do Processo de Doação e Análise de Custo-utilidade do Programa de Transplantação Renal versus Hemodiálise. | Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. ENSP/NOVA, 2015. | Orientação conjunta com o Prof. Miguel Gouveia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Hugo Ramalheira Lopes | The National Network for Long-Term Care in Portugal. Assessing the characteristics and the outcomes of the nursing homes and home and community based-services’ beneficiaries. Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. ENSP/NOVA,  2018. | Orientação conjunta com a Prof.ª Céu Mateus da Universidade de Lancaster.

Alina Abidova | Patient satisfaction in emergency departments. An empirical research on its measurement, antecedents and consequents | Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. ENSP/NOVA, 2020 | Orientação conjunta com o Prof. Luís Campos da NOVA Medical School.

Luciana Mendes Santos Servo | O processo de regionalização da saúde no Brasil: acesso geográfico e eficiência. Doutoramento em Economia, Faculdade de Ciências Económicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), 2020. | Orientação conjunta com a Profª Mônica Viegas Andrade e Prof. Pedro Amaral, ambos da UFMG.

Alejandra Carrillo Roa | Incidência e evolução dos gastos catastróficos com saúde no Brasil no período 2008-2018. Doutoramento em Saúde Pública, Especialidade de Economia da Saúde. NOVA NSPH.




I have developed two main lines of research: (i) equity in health, focusing on research into the degree of inequity present in the Portuguese health system, although also with some conceptual development components, and; (ii) economic evaluation of health programs, focusing on studies into the costs of disease and the treatment of high-impact diseases, development of the willingness to pay methodology and cost-effectiveness analyses of therapeutic alternatives.

I am a member of the Center for Public Health Research (CISP) and the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC).

The research projects in which I have been responsible - 29 in total - have been funded by various entities, such as the European Community, the World Health Organization, JNICT/FCT, the Ministry of Health and various foundations and pharmaceutical companies.

  • Pereira, J., M.R. Giraldes, e A.C. Campos (coord.Desigualdade e Saúde em Portugal. Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento, Lisboa, 1991.
  • Pereira, J., 'What does equity in health mean?  Journal of Social Policy, 22, nº 1, 19-48, 1993.
  • Pereira, J. 'Prestação de cuidados de acordo com as necessidades? Um estudo empírico aplicado ao sistema de saúde português' In: S.M. Vianna e S. Piola (eds.Economia da Saúde. IPEA, Brasilia, 1995.
  • Pereira, J. 'Inequality in infant mortality in Portugal, 1971-91' In: P. Zweifel (ed.) Health, the Medical Profession and Regulation, Kluwer Academic, Boston, 1998.
  • Silva, E.A., C.G. Pinto, C. Sampaio, J.A. Pereira, M. Drummond, e R. Trindade. Orientações Metodológicas para Estudos de Avaliação Económica de Medicamentos. Ministério da Saúde, Infarmed, Lisboa, 1999.
  • Pereira, J., A.C. Campos, F. Ramos, J. Simões and V. Reis,  ‘Health Care Reform and Cost-containment in Portugal' In:  E. Mossialos and  J. Le Grand  (eds.)  Health Care and Cost Containment in the European Union, Ashgate, Aldershot, 1999.
  • Wagstaff A, van Doorslaer E, van der Burg H, Calonge S, Christiansen T, Citoni G, Gerdtham UG, Gerfin M, Gross L, Hakinnen U, Johnson P, John J, Klavus J, Lachaud C, Lauritsen J, Leu R, Nolan B, Peran E, Pereira J, et al.  ‘Equity in the finance of health care: some further international comparisons’ Journal of Health Economics, 18, 263-290, 1999.
  • Van Doorslaer, E., Wagstaff A, van der Burg H, Christiansen T, Citoni G, Di Biase R, Gerdtham UG, Gerfin M, Gross L, Hakinnen U, John J, Johnson P, Klavus J, Lachaud C, Lauritsen J, Leu R, Nolan B, Pereira J, et al. ‘The redistributive effect of health care finance in twelve OECD countries’  Journal of Health Economics, 18, 291-313, 1999.
  • Pereira, J e C. Mateus ‘Custos indirectos associados à obesidade em Portugal’ Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, 21, 3, 65-80, 2003.
  • Olsen, J.A., C. Donaldson, e J. Pereira 'The insensitivity of ‘willingness-to-pay’ to the size of the good:  new evidence for health care' Journal of Economic Psychology, 25, 445-460, 2004.
  • Oliveira, M., J. Magone, e J. Pereira ‘Nondecision-making and inertia in Portuguese health policy’ Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 30, pp. 211-230, 2005.
  • Simões, J., P.P. Barros e J. Pereira (coord.A Sustentabilidade Financeira do Serviço Nacional de Saúde. Ministério da Saúde, Lisboa, 2008.
  • Pereira, J., (coord.Farmacoeconomia: Princípios e Métodos. Wolters Kluwer, Madrid, 2009.
  • Ribeiro, S., C. Furtado, J. Pereira. ‘Associação entre as doenças cardiovasculares e o nível socioeconómico em Portugal’. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 32, 11, 847-54, 2013.
  • Yazdanpanah Y., Perelman J., Di Lorenzo M.A., Alves J., Barros H., Mateus C., Pereira J., et al. ‘Routine HIV screening in Portugal: clinical impact and cost-effectiveness’. PLoS ONE. 8(12), 2013.
  • Body JJ, Pereira J, et al. ‘Health resource utilisation associated with skeletal related events: results from a retrospective European study’ European Journal of Health Economics. 17, 2016.
  • Pereira J, Body JJ, et al. ‘Cost of skeletal complications from bone metastases: results from a retrospective European study’ Journal of Medical Economics, 19(6), 2016.
  • Costa S., Cary M., Helling D.K., Pereira J., Mateus C. An overview of systematic reviews of economic evaluations of pharmacy-based public health interventions: addressing methodological challengesSystematic Reviews 8 (1), 1-20, 2019.
  • Pereira J, Alves J, Rodrigues B, Caetano R, Brito-Cruz P., Sousa J, Barata B. HTA reshaping: Rethinking the Health Technology Assessment Framework in PortugalPortuguese Journal of Public Health 39 (1), 2021.
  • Costa S, Guerreiro J, Teixeira I, Helling DK, Pereira J, Mateus C. Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of hypertension and hyperlipidemia collaborative management between pharmacies and primary care in Portugal alongside a trial compared with compared with usual care (USFarmácia®). Frontiers in Pharmacology. 13: 903270, 2022.
  • Costa S, Biscaia JL, Horta MR, Romano S, Guerreiro J, Heudtlass P, Cary M, Romão M, Teixeira-Rodrigues A, Miranda A, Martins AP, Bento AS, Pereira J, Mateus C, Helling DK. Real-World Effectiveness in Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia Collaborative Management between Pharmacies and Primary Care in Portugal: A Multicenter Pragmatic Controlled Trial (USFarmácia®)International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (15), 6496. 2023.
  • Costa S, Guerreiro J, Teixeira I, Helling DK, Mateus C, Pereira J. Patient preferences and cost-benefit of hypertension and hyperlipidemia collaborative management model between pharmacies and primary care in Portugal: A discrete choice experiment alongside a trial (USFarmácia®)PLoS ONE. 18, e0292308, 2023.
  • Fernandes J, Furtado C, Pereira J. Equidade no acesso aos cuidados de saúde em Portugal: o que sabemos? Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2024.


Full details of publications can be found at:


Google Scholar.

Nova Research.




External Activities
  • Consultant for international organizations (World Health Organization, European Union, Council of Europe, DFID-UK and World Bank).
  • Member of the Commission for the Evaluation and Selection of Projects in the Area of Clinical Research, Foundation for Science and Technology; Member of the Commission for the Evaluation of Projects in the Area of Health, Foundation for Science and Technology; External expert for the Agency for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).
  • Author of more than 200 presentations to national and international congresses and other scientific meetings.
  • President of the General Council of the Lisbon Higher School of Nursing.
  • Past President of the Portuguese Association of Health Economics and President of the General Assembly of Health Cluster Portugal.
  • Member of various Committees and Expert Groups of the Portuguese Government. Expert Group that drew up methodological guidelines for economic evaluation studies of medicines, Infarmed, 1998; Member of the Committees for the Sustainability of the Financing of the National Health Service (Ministries of Finance and Health), 2007-2008; Member of the Committee of Expert Evaluators of Medicines for Exclusive Hospital Use, Infarmed, 2007-2010; Member of the Expert Group of the National Health Plan - 2012-16; Member of the Scientific Committee for Good Clinical Practices (Ministry of Health), 2011-2015; Member of the National Committee for Reference Centers, 2012-2015; Member of the National Public Health Council, 2011-2019.