

João Valente Cordeiro

Health Law and Ethics Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor of Health Law and Ethics, Research Ethics and Bioethics. Department of Social Sciences in Health. National School of Public Health, New University of Lisbon.
Professor of Research Ethics and Academic Skills Development. NOVA Doctoral School, New University of Lisbon.
Coordinator of the Optional Curricular Units Program.
Coordinator of the Continuous Training Program
Integrated Researcher. CISP - Public Health Research Center, National School of Public Health, New University of Lisbon.
Researcher. CICS.NOVA - Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences, New University of Lisbon.
Member of the Ethics Council of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Member of the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon.


Collaborator in the teaching of Research Ethics (PDSP)(from 2010/11 to 2018/19, Coordination since 2017/18), Biomedical Law (MSP)(2011/12 and 2012/13), Health Law (CEAH, CESP)(2011/12 to 2018/19), Bioethics and Health Management (UCO)(2012/13, 2013/14, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19), Research Ethics in Public Health (PDGPH)(2014/15, 2016/2017, Coordination from 2018/19), Law and Ethics in Public Health (MGS, MSP)(2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19) and Coordination of the Discipline of Personalized Medicine and Public Health (2014/15, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19).
Participation in the Fundamentals of Public Health course since 2017/18
Collaborator in the teaching of subjects within the Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Programs (Bioethics and Biolaw session) and Global Public Health (Research Ethics in Public Health).
Professor at the Doctoral School of Universidade Nova de Lisboa since 2013 (Research Ethics (Coordination) courses for doctoral students and supervisors and Research Skills Development, in partnership with Imperial College London).
Coordinator of Optional Curricular Units Program since September 2017.
Coordinator of the Continuous Training Program, since 2017.


Teaching responsibilities (summary)


Active participation in teaching responsibilities in all subjects within the scope of Health Law, Ethics and Bioethics in the Doctoral Courses in Public Health, Global Public Health, Master's in Health Management, Master's in Public Health, Master's in Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Research, Specialization in Hospital Administration and Specialization in Public Health.
Coordinator of  Optional Curricular Units Program at NOVA NSPH
Integrated member of the Public Health Research Center (CISP) at NOVA NSPH
Coordinator of the NOVA Doctoral School of the New University of Lisbon's “Research Ethics” course for doctoral students, which takes place at the ENSP facilities.
Tutor/Professor on the “Research Skills Development” Course, NOVA Escola Doutoral da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in partnership with Imperal College London (UK).
Participation in the UC “Innovation, Change Management and the New Customer in Health” of the Postgraduate Course in Information Management and Business Intelligence in Health at NOVA IMS.
Coordinator of the Optional UC “Data Privacy, Security and Ethics” for NOVA IMS Masters and Postgraduate courses.


PhD Supervision

Co-supervisor of Alexandra Ribeiro Simões, student in the PhD Program in Public Health. Thesis entitled: “The role of pharmacy in the societal framework of demographic ageing”
Co-supervisor of Erasmus Mundus student Jose Tomacruz. Thesis entitled: “Translational Biomarker-based Diagnosis for Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease: A Bioethical Inquiry”
Co-supervisor of Erasmus Mundus student Dmytro Metilka. Thesis entitled: “Reconciliation of moral attitudes in healthcare policies against domestic violence: a comparative analysis of Portugal and Sweden”.


Coordination of the Scientific Project “Personalized Medicine”, funded by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, which is taking place at ENSP.
Coordination of the Scientific Project “CONCORDIA”, funded by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, which is taking place at ENSP.
NOVASaúde researcher on the LEXOMICS project between March and August 2016.
Researcher at ENSP, Social Sciences in Health Group in the LEXBIOLAB project funded by FCG from 2010 to 2014 (50% part-time until January 2013 and 70% from February to August 2014).


Publications (NOVA NSPH):

RhoD inhibits RhoC-ROCK-dependent cell contraction via PAK6 CH Durkin, F Leite, JV Cordeiro, Y Handa, Y Arakawa, F Valderrama, Michael Way. Developmental cell 41 (3), 315-329. e7
El servicio nacional de salud en Portugal: breve presentación. Faria PL, Cordeiro JV. 2015. in “Derecho y Salud como Realidades Interactivas”. Jorge Tomillo Urbina, Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas. (Eds.). Thompson Reuters Aranzadi. ISBN: 978-84-9059-651-7
Ethical and legal challenges of personalized medicine: paradigmatic examples of research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Cordeiro JV. 2014. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública. Volume 32, Issue 2, July–December, pp. 164–180
Health data privacy and confidentiality rights: crisis and redemption? Faria PL, Cordeiro JV. 2014. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública Volume 32, Issue 2, July–December, pp. 123–133
EDITORIAL: Managing a difficult ethical and legal equilibrium in healthcare: Assuring access to the basics while keeping up with innovation. Faria PL, Cordeiro JV. 2014. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública. Volume 32, Issue 2, July–December, pp. 121–122
Public Health: Current and Emergent Legal and Ethical Issues in a Nutshell. Faria PL, Cordeiro JV. 2014. in “Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics”. Yann Joly, Bartha Maria Knoppers. (Eds.). ROUTLEDGE. ISBN: 0415628180
Genoma: bem público ou privado? Reflexões à luz do Biodireito. Faria PL, Cordeiro JV. 2013. in “Bem Comum: Público e/ou Privado?”. João Pato et. al. (Eds.). Lisboa, ICS - Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp.273-293.


Other publications

2017 Breach of the duty of secrecy imposed by the court (art. 135 of the CPP) after the Bar Association has been heard. Journal of the Portuguese Bar Association. Year 76. Jan/Dec 2016. pp. 299-338
RhoD Inhibits RhoC-ROCK-Dependent Cell Contraction via PAK6.

Durkin CH*, Leite F*, Cordeiro JV, Handa Y, Arakawa Y, Valderrama F, Way M. Developmental Cell. 2017 May 8;41(3):315-329.e7. *Equal contribution

2014 The role of transcription-independent damage signals in the initiation of epithelial wound healing. Cordeiro JV, Jacinto A. 2013. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 14(4):249-262.
Coordinated actomyosin flow waves and apical cell constriction immediately after wounding. Antunes M, Pereira T*, Cordeiro JV*, Almeida L, Jacinto A. 2013. Journal of Cell Biology 22;202(2):365-79. *Equal contribution
Inhibition of F11-mediated RhoA signaling increases vaccinia virus spread in vitro and in vivo in a mouse model of intranasal infection. Cordeiro JV, Guerra S, Arakawa Y, Dodding MP, Esteban M, Way M. PLoS One. 2009 Dec 30;4(12):e8506.



ORCID - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4605-1615