
Associate Professor of the ENSP, PhD in Law. Coordinates the Department of Social Sciences in Health and the scientific committee of the Doctoral Program in Public Health of the ENSP. Member of the NOVA University General Council and the Doctoral School Commission of the same university.
Member of the Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA) and the Public Health Research Center (CISP), as a collaborator.
Her core areas of academic interest are law and ethics applied to health, including legislative, social and economic policies to prevent disease and promote healthy and non-violent lifestyles. Within this framework she has been teaching, lecturing and publishing, both nationally and internationally on topics such as: human rights, suicide prevention, confidentiality and protection of health and genetic data, patient safety, rights and duties of patients, biobanks and genomic editing.
- Health Law
- Bioethics in Health Management
- Health Law and Ethics
- Research Ethics
- Law and Ethics in Public Health
- Health Law and Patient Safety
She coordinates a protocol for academic collaboration between the ENSP-NOVA and the Department of Health, Bioethics and Human Rights of the Boston University (from 2010 to date)
- PhD theses: ≈ 1 student per year since 2010;
- PhD students tutor: ≈ 1 student per year since 2010;
- PhD accompanying commissions: currently member of 2;
- PhD theses completed in which she was co-supervisor:
- University of Oslo, 2011;
- University of Alicante-ENSP-NOVA; 2013;
- University of Santa Catarina, 2013;
- New University of Lisbon 2015;
- University of Brasilia (2019).
Collaborator in several European international projects over the years, especially focusing on the legal, ethical and social aspects of biobanks, but also in the areas of law and mental health and public health law, namely epidemics.
In the area of biobanks she was part of a multidisciplinary research team at the University of Oslo (2003-2011) where she co-supervised a PhD thesis (completed in 2011) and co-authored a book chapter on biobanks (Springer editions, 2010).
Coordination of the international project Lexbiolab, ongoing since 2004 - project for the development of health law and ethics in health and science that already received funding from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Luso-American Development Foundation and the Science and Technology Foundation, under which four international seminars have already been held in different countries, leading to several publications and two master's dissertations on Obama Care (2013) and Opioid Crisis (2020).
- Faria, P.L. - Medical Law in Portugal. Austin : Kluwer Law International, 2010 (currently being updated);
- Faria P.L. (editor) - The Role of Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights to Promote a Safer and Healthier World, Ed. FLAD and Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, May 2006;
- Mariner W.K. and Faria P.L. (editors) - Law and Ethics in Rationing Access to Care in a High-Cost Global Economy Ed. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Boston University School of Public Health, Lisbon, 2008.
Book chapters/Capítulos de livros:
- Alves, E. A.V., Sousa, P. and Faria, P.L. – Desafios Jurídicos do Reporte de Eventos Adversos: Proposta de Agenda para a Melhoria da Segurança do Paciente in Coletânea de Direito à Saúde, Vol.1: Institucionalização, CONASS, Brasília 2018. 294-306;
- Sandland, R. and Faria, P.L. – Patients’ Duties: The Missing Element in European Healthcare in European Health Law, Den Exter, A. (Ed.), Maklu Publ., 201, pp. 599-619.
- Faria, P.L. and Cordeiro, J.V. - Public health: current and emergent legal and ethical issues in a nutshell in Yann Joly, Bartha-Maria Knoppers (editors) Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics, 1st ed., Routledge Editions, 2014, pp.369-389;
- Faria, P.L. and Cordeiro, J.V. - Health data privacy and confidentiality rights: Crisis or redemption? Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, Elsevier, Volume 32, Issue 2, (July–December 2014), pp. 123-133;
- Fonseca, R., Gomes, I., Faria, P.L. and Gil, A.P. - Perspetivas atuais sobre a proteção jurídica da pessoa idosa vítima de violência familiar: contributo para uma investigação em saúde pública. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública. Ed. Elsevier. 2012; 30(2):149–162;
- Faria, P. L. - Saúde pública e crise : uma reflexão : editorial. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, Ed. Elsevier, 29 : 2 (Julho/Dezembro 2011) 97-99;
- Martin, R. et al – Pandemic Influenza Control in Europe and the constraints resulting from incoherent public health laws. BMC Public Health. 2010, 10:532 http://www.Biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/10/532
- Cunha-Filho, H.; Marques, R. F.; Faria, P. L. - Dificuldades políticas, éticas e jurídicas na criação e aplicação da legislação sobre álcool e tabaco : contributo para o desenvolvimento da investigação em Direito da Saúde Pública. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública. 28:2 (Julho/Dezembro 2010) 205-218;
- Faria, P. L. - Perspectivas do direito da saúde em segurança do doente com base na experiência norte-americana. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública. Volume temático : 10 (2010) 81-88.
- Expert member in several panels within the European Commission for the scientific and ethical evaluation of projects (1998-2005);
- Independent observer of the evaluation process in the area of Risk Governance and Ethics, Programme FP6-2005-Science-and-Society.
- Coordinator of the National Committee of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education in Portugal (1998-2002).
- Contribution in the drafting of national legislation in the fields of communicable diseases and confidentiality of genetic data.