

Andre Den Exter

Health Law Visiting Associate Professor

André Den Exter is Visiting Professor at ENSP NOVA and Professor of Health Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He has a PhD in Law

  • Andre Exter (2020) - Fighting Excessive Pharmaceutical Prices: Evaluating the Options Opent extern - European Journal of Health Law, 28 (1), 68-80 - doi: 10.1163/15718093-bja10004Opent extern - [link]Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2019) - Strasbourg Medical Expulsion Rulings: Beyond the Deathbed Requirement Opent extern - European Journal of Health Law, (6), 115-124 - doi: 10.1163/15718093-12251008Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2017) - Regulating Organ Donation and transplantation under European Union law: A success story? - Organ Transplantation: Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects, 1 (2), 129-141 - doi: 10.7590/245227717X15090911046520 2452-2775 2017Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2017) - Medical Professionals as Digital Marketeers and the Advertising Ba - Journal of Medical Law and Ethics, 12
  • Andre Exter, A Santuari & T SOKOL (2015) - One Year after the EU Patient Mobility Directive: A Three-Country Analysis - European Law Review, 40 (2), 269-293
  • Andre Exter (2015) - Koudwatervrees Biogeneeskundeverdrag - NJCM Bulletin. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, (19), 1288
  • Andre Exter & Martin Buijsen (2015) - The Impact of Health Care Market Reforms on Health Care Access in The Netherlands - Bioethics, 2015 (3)
  • Andre Exter (2015) - Homosexuals and blood donation: a delicate issue for the European Union Court of Justice - Blood Reviews, 14 (6), 500-503 - doi: 10.2450/2015.0155-15Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2014) - Justiciability of the right to health care - Journal of Addictions Nursing, 37-47
  • Andre Exter & M Guy (2014) - Market Competition in Health Care Markets in the Netherlands: Lessons for England? - Medical Law Review, 22 (2), 255-273 - doi: 10.1093/medlaw/fwu009Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2013) - Mening: De juridische betekenis van KEA's in de zorg Opent extern - Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 98 (4673), 708
  • Andre Exter (2013) - First FCTC case in the Netherlands - Public Health, 127, 970-971 - doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2013.07.007Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2013) - Embryonic screening as a European human right Opent extern - Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 39, 152-153 - doi: 10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100538Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2012) - European Commission updates rules on clinical trials Opent extern - Contemporary Clinical Trials, 34 (173) - doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2012.10.013Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2012) - Embryonic Screening as A European Human Right Opent extern - Journal of Family and Reproductive Health, 6 (4), 143-144
  • Andre Exter (2010) - Health System Reforms in The Netherlands: From Public to Private and its Effects on Equal Access to Health Care Opent extern - European Journal of Health Law, 17, 223-233 - doi: 10.1163/157180910X504810Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2009) - "Chronically mentally ill people, and the neglect and abuse they experience, have become increasingly invisible Opent extern - Lancet (UK), 374 (9690), 599-600 - doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61370-2Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2009) - PharmaNostra Under Fire Opent extern - Croation Medical Journal, 50, 507-508 - doi: 10.3325/cmj.2009.50.507Opent extern
  • Andre Exter (2008) - Claiming access to health care in the Netherlands under international treaty law Opent extern - Medicine and Law, 27, 569-595
  • Andre Exter (2008) - Editiorial: Access to Health Care Solidatity and Justice Opent extern - Medicine and Law, 27, 1-5
  • F Paolucci, Andre Exter & Wynand van de Ven (2006) - Solidarity in competitive health insurance markets: analysing the relevant EC legal framework Opent extern - Health Economics, Policy and Law, 1, 107-126 - doi: 10.1017/S1744133105000137Opent extern
  • Andre Exter, HEGM (Herbert) Hermans, M Dosljak & R Busse (2004) - Health care systems in transition - World Health Organization. Technical Report Series, 151-151
  • Andre Exter (2004) - Sociální zabezpecení a personalistiku - Právo a Zamëstnénì, 17-22
  • Andre Exter (2004) - Rozsireni eu a jeho dopady na ceske zdravotnicke pracovniky - Zdravotnicke Pravo v Praxi, 40-41
  • Andre Exter (2004) - EU accession and it's consequences for Czech health professionals - Zdravotnicke Pravo v Praxi, 3, 27-29
  • Andre Exter (2004) - New ECJ rulings on free movement and it's consequences for Czech Health professionals - International Journal of Medicine and Law, 4, 1-5
  • Andre Exter (2004) - The European court of justice and working time in the health care sector: Relevance to the Czech Republkic - Zdravotnicke Pravo v Praxi, 3, 67-68
  • Andre Exter (2004) - Judikatura evropskeho soudniho dvora v atzce pracovni doby ve zdravotnictvi - Zdravotnicke Pravo v Praxi, 3, 66-67
  • M Wilder, Andre Exter & WGM (Wendy) van der Kraan (2004) - The changing role of the individual in social health insurance systems - Open university press, 247-261
  • Andre Exter, HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & M Dosljak (2003) - Health care systems in transition - European Observatory on Health Care Systems, 4, 1-1
  • Andre Exter (2002) - Legal Consequences of EU Accession for Central and Eastern European Health Care Systems - European Law Journal, 8 (4), 556-573
  • Andre Exter (2001) - Legal reform of the Polish health care system in view of accessing the European Union - European Journal of Health Law, 1, 5-25
  • HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Andre Exter (2001) - Focus: The Netherlands; The Dutch healthcare system - Hospitals, 3, 58-62
  • Andre Exter & HEGM (Herbert) Hermans (2001) - The Netherlands - Hospitals, 3, 58-62
  • HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Andre Exter (2001) - The Dutch healthcare system - Hospitals, 3, 58-62
  • Andre Exter (2000) - Lietuvos stojimas Europos Sajunga: reiksme nacionalinei visuomenes sveikatos strukturai - Sveitakos Aplinka, 6-8
  • HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Andre Exter (2000) - The right to health care in several European countries; synthesis of an expert meeting - Eurohealth, 6 (1), 28-30
  • Andre Exter, HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Ernst Hulst (2000) - A conceptual model of health care law making in central and eastern Europe - Medicine and Law, 19, 165-179
  • Andre Exter (2000) - Health care legislative reforms in Armenia: preparations for a purchaser-provider split - Medicine and Law, 19, 655-661
  • Andre Exter & HEGM (Herbert) Hermans (2000) - The Right to Health Care in Several European Countries - Eurohealth, 6 (1), 28-30
  • HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Andre Exter (1999) - Cross-border Alliances in Health Care: International Co-operation between Health Insurers and Providers in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine - Croation Medical Journal, 40 (2), 266-272
  • Andre Exter (1999) - Coceptualising a Model of Health Care Law-making: Relevance to Central and Eastern Europe by Exploring Hungarian Reforms - Acta Juridica Hungarica, 40 (1/2), 55-75
  • Ernst Hulst, HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Andre Exter (1998) - The Civil Law Demension of Clinical Practice Guidelines - Medicine and Law, 314-317
  • Andre Exter, HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Ernst Hulst (1998) - A legal- theoretical concept of health care law- making in a Central and Eastern European setting: The case of high technology care - Medicine and Law, 155-161
  • HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Andre Exter (1998) - Priorities and Priority-Setting in Health Care in the Netherlands - Croation Medical Journal, 39 (3), 346-355
  • Andre Exter & HEGM (Herbert) Hermans (1998) - Constitutional rights to Health Care: The consequences of placing limits on the right to Health Care in several Western and Eastern Europian Countries - European Journal of Health Law, 5, 261-289
  • HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Andre Exter (1998) - Priorities and priority- setting in health care in the netherlands - Croation Medical Journal, 39 (3), 346-355
  • Andre Exter & HEGM (Herbert) Hermans (1998) - Constitutional Rights to Health Care: The Consequences of Placing limits on the Right to health Care in several Western and Eastern European Countries - European Journal of Health Law, 5, 261-289
  • Andre Exter, HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Ernst Hulst (1997) - Health care systems reforms: legal dilemmas and decentralisation in some Western and Eastern European countries - Graceta Sanitaria, (11), 70-70
  • Andre Exter, HEGM (Herbert) Hermans & Ernst Hulst (1997) - Health care legislation in Central and Eastern Europe: a problem-orientated method of legal analysis of health care systems in Central and Eastern Europe: the Albanian example - Review of Central and East European Law, (2), 117-132


ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0938-6603