Knowledge Centers

Public Health ImpACT


NOVA National School of Public Health (NOVA NSPH) Knowledge Centre (KC) devoted to the evaluation of health policies, programs, technology, and health (care) services.

Public Health ImpACT follows a translational approach to research, aiming to design, evaluate, and support decision-making, and to deliver training to those who evaluate, design, and develop health policies.

KC is overseen and managed by Joana Alves, responsible for guiding the centre’s activities and initiatives.

Objectives, Axes and Thematic Lines


The KC aims for translational research, focusing on designing, evaluating, and supporting decision-making, as well as translational training to train those who access, design, and shape health policies.


Main Axes


Thematic Lines

Main Actions Foreseen


The KC will include all researchers from NOVA NSPH, interested in contributing to the topics of the KC, without any formal requirement.

The KC may also include researchers from other faculties, universities or research centres interested in contributing to KC topics.


Join us

Send an email to to express your interest.


Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
Avenida Padre Cruz
1600-560 Lisboa


Tel.: +351 961 980 960